SignaBlok pitched on company’s magic bullet therapy for cancer, autoimmune diseases, atherosclerosis and retinopathy at the 2016 Life Sciences Summit
SignaBlok awarded NIAAA / NIH SBIR Phase I grant to test new approach to treatment of alcoholic liver disease
SignaBlok presented multiple applications of SCHOOL technology in drug discovery at the 2016 BIO International Convention
SignaBlok presented innovative approach to diagnostic imaging of atherosclerosis at the 2015 NHLBI Innovation Conference-West
SignaBlok presented proof-of-concept animal data on development of a novel targeted treatment for rheumatoid arthritis at the 2015 ACR Annual Meeting
SignaBlok presented preclinical data showcasing company’s peptide therapeutic programs in cancer, inflammation and autoimmune diseases at the 2015 Therapeutics Stream at the Essential Protein Engineering Summit (PEGS) Annual Meeting
SignaBlok wins NHLBI / NIH SBIR Phase II grant to test SignaBlok’s ultra high sensitivity MRI contrast agents for atherosclerosis imaging in rodent and non-rodent animal models
SignaBlok presented proof-of-concept animal data on development of novel MRI contrast agent for diagnostic imaging of atherosclerosis at the 2014 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB