Sigalov AB. Drug Discovery Today. 2020
The SCHOOL of nature: IV. Learning from viruses
Sigalov AB. Self Nonself. 2010
The SCHOOL of nature: III. From mechanistic understanding to novel therapies
Sigalov AB. Self Nonself. 2010
The SCHOOL of nature: II. Protein order, disorder and oligomericity in transmembrane signaling
Sigalov AB. Self Nonself. 2010
The SCHOOL of nature: I. Transmembrane signaling
Sigalov AB. Self Nonself. 2010
Novel mechanistic insights into viral modulation of immune receptor signaling
Sigalov AB. Plos Pathog. 2009
Immune cell signaling: a novel mechanistic model reveals new therapeutic targets
Sigalov AB. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2006
Multichain immune recognition receptor signaling: different players, same game?
Sigalov AB. Trends Immunol. 2004